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Writer's pictureSteven Carney

Staying connected to your community

As a fellow education leader who strives to be as effective as possible, much of our job and daily routines become intertwined with problem-solving. Currently, many of us are attempting to unlock ways to stay connected to others within our personal lives, with our school staff, and the families and students of our school community, all while physically being distant.

The amount of information that is showing up in the inboxes and social media platforms is overwhelming. I figured if I was becoming overwhelmed, what might our staff, families, and students be feeling? Yesterday while at work (in a quiet and darkened building), and after centering myself with some soft instrumental music and five or so minutes of mindful breathing, a newsletter idea came into being. The intent of the newsletter was first and foremost to let my community know how much their presence was missed. I also wanted to provide them with helpful information in digestible and organized chunks. After numerous drafts, additions, and deletions, I sent the newsletter out to all.

These newsletters will be sent at least weekly, more often if needed, based on the changing status of our community and state. My intent here is to share what transpired:


- Current updates from the school district and where to access that information

- Ideas and resources for adult self-care

- Strategies to support children emotionally

- Learning opportunities to consider - digital and hands-on

- A closing personal message - to “hear” my voice and to provide them with “something to think about” (inspirational, gratitude focused, activity to consider doing as a family, etc.)

I hope that this may spark some ideas for you to use with your community!

If you are interested in the specific content for each category, connect via e-mail:, and I will continue communicating with those individuals.

And to leave you with “something to think about” - The better grounded and healthy we are as adults and leaders, the better grounded and healthy our staff, families, and children will be. We are in a time like no other, and we are experiencing it with emotions and thoughts that may be running the gamut from positive to negative and anywhere in between. To take care of my own body and mind, I am taking a few moments out of each day to stop the endless thoughts and to focus my attention elsewhere. This daily choice has allowed me to come back to the center and to focus on all that is right with my world and the larger world that exists for us today! Daily sessions began on YouTube on Monday the 16th with Dan Harris as the moderator and engaging with a different author, teacher, or scientist to support our dealing with the stress of today.

Stay well and stay connected!

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