David Baker
Professional Development Coordiantor, St. Vrain Valley School District RE 1J

David had been an educator for over 20 years. In St. Vrain Valley School District, this experience includes time as a Clinical Professor, an Induction Coach, and 14 years teaching at the middle school level. During his time at the middle school level David taught math, social studies and English to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.
As a Clinical Professor, David mentors teachers working on their Master’s of Education through the University of Colorado School of Education, student teachers from University of Colorado, and teachers new to St. Vrain in their first year of teaching. Most of the teachers he supports are at the middle and high school level. He teaches Classroom Instruction That Works and Induction Academy sessions as well as helping facilitate the Digital Learning Collaborative and the Standards-Based Education Alignment for math.
David completed his undergraduate degree, teacher licensure, Master’s Degree and Principal Licensure at Colorado State University. He earned and was awarded “The Best Should Teach” recognition from the University of Colorado in 2006.